Results Business Advisors specializes in helping business owners confidentially sell, and qualified buyers buy, businesses of all sizes in the Omaha Metro area – as well as the wider Midwest Region. Our expert business broker professionals will guide you through the complex process and act as your liaison when dealing with all parties involved.
We have extensive experience in most prevalent industries and have a proven valuation process to determine fair market value for business you are thinking about buying or selling.
What Makes Our Business Brokers Right For You?
Our team of professional business brokers has helped people buy and sell businesses across a number of different industries. In fact, the business brokers on our team are themselves former and current business owners, who understand first-hand what kind of sacrifice and effort goes into starting and operating a business.
Many sellers and buyers are new to this process, and we help them navigate through various hurdles involved. We strive to create long-term relationships and pride ourselves in growing our business by referrals.
We are more than a firm who sells businesses – we are an organization that has the best interests in mind for both buyers AND sellers, looking to help get you the best deal and make the process easier, as well as smoothing the process out with any financial institution involved.
If the business is the right fit for a buyer, and priced right by the seller, the lender will be in a good position to make a solid loan. We know that the seller may want to purchase another business later on, and the buyer may sell in the future, so doing the best we can for our clients is a big part of our long-term business model at RBA, so we will continue to grow as a result of those relationships.
This only happens if business brokers deal in an honest and ethical fashion.
We invite you to learn more about how you can leverage our experience and network of buyers and sellers in order to achieve your business goals.