After completing his legal studies at the renowned University of Virginia School of Law in 1990, Tom embarked on a multi-faceted journey within the law. His practice spanned several years, primarily based in Omaha. During this time, his work was concentrated within diverse legal domains such as tax, business, corporate law, estate planning, probate, and litigation, testifying to his remarkable versatility as a legal professional.
Further expanding the breadth of his expertise, Tom also held positions within the financial services industry for several years. His work in this sector, just like his legal practice, was broadly based within the spheres of tax, business, corporate law, and estate planning. His tenacious pursuit of professional growth led him to a role as a general counsel with a reputable franchise sales and development company. He developed and implemented innovative legal strategies that significantly contributed to the company’s growth and success.
Moreover, Tom also boasts over a decade’s worth of hands-on experience in residential real estate management, adding another layer of depth to his extensive professional portfolio. Before commencing his journey in law, Tom served as a Legislative Assistant from 1984 to 1987. This role saw him working diligently in the Washington, D.C. office of esteemed Nebraska U.S. Rep. Hal Daub, further diversifying his impressive career trajectory.
In 2011, an eventful chapter in Tom’s life unfolded when Governor Dave Heineman appointed him to represent Nebraska’s Second Congressional District as a full-time Commissioner on Nebraska’s Tax Equalization & Review Commission (TERC). This influential body, which comprises a Governor-appointed Commissioner from each of Nebraska’s three federal Congressional Districts, serves as the state’s primary forum for addressing taxation, valuation, and assessment of real and personal property.