When an owner decides to sell his/her business, there are many things to consider. Whether regarding personal, business process or legal matters, business owners can avoid overlooking important factors by using an Omaha business broker.
Results Business Advisors helps owners prepare personally, financially and legally for a business sale. Many times, without the advice of an experienced business broker, businesses can most often overlook important legal matters. A few legal mistakes that we come across include:
Neglecting to have a non-disclosure agreement. This agreement is critical in case the sale falls through. Without it, the buyer could reveal important aspects of the sale discussion and business, which may impact a future sale.
Not having an experienced attorney. Investing in an experienced and proven attorney is among the most important steps while preparing to sell a business. They can assist in creating ironclad agreements and a tight NDA to protect you, your business and your buyer.
Skipping the Letter of Intent. The Letter of Intent protects your interests and is key during negotiating. This letter includes a termination fee for the buyer, and protects the seller in case the deal falls through.
Investing in an experienced business broker in Omaha is your first step to a successful sale that protects you and your business. We can advise on business and legal matters that you’ve likely not considered, and connect you with the right professionals to get the deal finalized!